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Unlocking the Secrets of Store Design: A Convenience Retailer Case Study

In the ever-competitive world of convenience retail, store design is not just about aesthetics; it’s a critical factor influencing shopper behavior and, ultimately, store performance. At VideoMining, our mission is to empower retailers with data-driven behavioral insights to optimize their store experience, productivity, and profitability. Recently, we partnered with a leading convenience retailer to understand how their store flow was contributing to basket-building opportunities. Our findings reveal the profound impact of a well-curated and intentional in-store journey.

Through our comprehensive analysis, powered by AI technology and behavioral science, we discovered that the retailer very successfully drove shoppers to the most popular destinations within their stores, such as the cold vault and dispensed beverages. However, the shopper path to, and from, the destination zones did not drive them anywhere near essential impulse categories, like salty snacks and candy. This meant that the Client missed crucial opportunities for basket-building opportunities across popular refreshment trip missions.

Our insights underscore the importance of a meticulously planned in-store journey. By strategically curating shopper flow and optimizing store layouts, retailers can increase exposure and engagement with impulse aisles. For instance, understanding at a deeper level the store experience for your key shopper groups and their trip missions allows you to find creative, and compelling, ways to sprinkle moments of impactful merchandising across the shopper flow . For those interested in a deeper dive into our methodology and findings, we invite you to explore the full case study. Discover how an intentional approach to store design can transform your retail space and power growth: